Revolutionizing the Space Cafe: Transforming Photo Ops into Marketing Success

Situation: The Space Cafe photo booth at Lockheed Martin's Space Line of business lacked quantifiable results, despite being popular.

Task: The goal was to enhance the photo booth's effectiveness by integrating it with a CRM system, increasing social media engagement, and boosting newsletter subscriptions.

Action: Implemented photobooth software linked to a professional camera, which collected email addresses or phone numbers and sent photos with branded frames and event-specific hashtags. Integrated this system with HubSpot and encouraged social sharing through calls to action and incentives at trade show events.

Result: This initiative led to an average of over 3,000 social media posts per event across 13 events. Additionally, it resulted in 1,000-2,000 new newsletter subscribers per event over 5 events, significantly boosting engagement and audience reach.